The final lesson in Jane's class was to create your own lesson.
Inspired by the map-like lines and grids seen here
on Flickr , I challenged myself to explore lines and grids in a square format.
Paper size-9x9 or larger squares
Explore map-like grid-lines with layered opaque and transparent paints. It is okay to obscure parts of the "map".
on rectangular/square shapes allowing for some "not quite
As I worked through my parameters I
realized that square paper feels weird to me and 9x9 feels small. I will
definitely take this lesson to larger paper in the future, but my house
is torn up (new kitchen) and I barely had room to work on 9x9s...That
being said, this lesson was soooo satisfying. I started with my squares
that I set forth in the guidelines, but then realized that what I was
craving from Anne-Laure's work was the super fine quality of some of the
lines. Once I figured this out the lesson became more of a study of
fine line work in grids and squares.
1 |
This one was a very literal interpretation of my original intention. Starting with black was fun.
2 |
The incised lines became my favorites and I explored the technique in all of the pieces.
3 |
Number 3 has more map-like qualities. The dotted lines remind my of Billy's journey in the Family Circus cartoon.
4 |
More incised lines that define the shapes within color blocks that do not have hard edges.
5 |
Getting my groove here in #5. I could probably stand to cover up the yellow/orange in the upper right corner some more...
6 |
Working with fine lines incised and drawn on top of layers.
7 |
In my search for a thinner black line, I added thread to #7. This is definitely worth pursuing deeper.
8 |
Decided to try some of those super bright colors in #8. Pink under lime green makes such an awesome contrast! Love it!
9 |
#9 was another start on black. After painting over
with opaque salmon and transparent pyrrole orange I extended some of the
lines that had been partially wiped out. It ended up to be a nod to
Eric Carle's hungry hungry caterpillar~~smile~~.
10 |
When looking at my inspiration pieces again, I was
taken by the hints of lines under a white over-painting so I figured out
how to create the look for myself.
11 |
Did I manage to stick to my lesson? I think
so...9X9?..check, map-like grid-lines?..check, opaque and transparent
layers?...check, mostly squares?..check.
Do I think these are completed pieces? Nope, but I did learn a lot and had fun!
I am super proud of myself for actually doing most of this workshop (on time even...). I only missed completing one lesson and I'll go back to that one.
If you ever have the opportunity to take a workshop with Jane Davies, either in person or online--DO IT!