Step one is admitting you have a problem...Yeah, okay, I
have a problem. These first three pictures show my workspace where I create fabulous collages, postcards,
ATC's and other fun stuff. It is also where my family is going to want to sit and eat turkey on Thanksgiving. There's the dilemma...even if I could clear off enough chairs, nobody will appreciate having to sit with the turkey on their laps because there is no table space.

I am a
packrat extraordinaire. The current supply of choice is books. Ever since I got in to the whole altered book, altered art, collage world (about three years ago) I have bought bag after bag of books at the thrift store. Someday I will go through all those books and magazines, cut out the images I want, and organize the all..HA HA HA I almost said that with a straight face!!

These next two pictures are the sewing room. The fabric obsession has been with me much longer than the paper obsession. When we put the addition on the house 7 years ago it was to help house the fabric. Well it did, for about a week. You didn't expect me to
STOP buying more, did you???
Because of these obvious character flaws,(ok not flaws, how about foibles?) I keep getting stuck in a creative rut. I have so many ideas, but no space to work in. I also can almost never find what I want when I want it.

Andy started the process last night. Well actually he started a couple of weeks ago when he added the shelving to the sewing room. I filled up those shelves and it didn't even make a foot square space of carpet. Last night he emptied the guest room. The joke has always been that he was never going to redo the guest room so Mom could not come visit. Either he wants Mom to come and visit or he is sick of my stuff cluttering up the downstairs...HMMMMmmm which could it be??
Now that I have admitted to my problem and exposed myself to the world, I am actually going to go in to that sewing room and create something...promise! Although I could go for a nap.....